Stephanie Gutierrez Rios
When I smell copal or hear the rhythm of our ancestral drums, my heart goes into a frenzy; longing for a space my eyes haven’t seen but my soul is well-acquainted with. In the same manner, when I heard about Spirituality as Resistance, my heart knew where it was needed.
I don’t know if to express misfortune or gratitude for our current virtual model. While a gallery space full of our loved ones, earthside & otherwise, sounds like the energy dreams are made of… here we are presenting online. Upon reflecting on our present moment, the ancestors whispered into the wind that we are used to making due under profound distress.
That being said, during a time of intense and collective mourning, I offer this humble altar, shaped outside of my home in Deep East Oakland, as a public display of art, with the intention of healing. Along with my ancestors, I respectfully welcome those slain by state-sanctioned violence… Emmet Till, Sean Monterrosa, Erik Salgado, Andres Guardado, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Oscar Grant, Roxanna Hernandez, Carlos Gregorio Hernandez Vasquez, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor… TODOS PRESENTES. There are too many names, too much sorrow, and not enough cempazúchitl.
But the cempazúchitl I do have, streams its scent into my room as I type this. I set my intention for this stream to reach the block and extend... may your hearts feel our calling; let us build the world we deserve.