Natalie Aceves
Dedicado a mis abuelos
The altar is dedicated to my grandparents, my mom’s parents. Although they had a large familyof 2 sons and 7 daughters, they would show their love for their children through food. Mygrandmother’s recipes for pozole, chile rellenos, salsas, enchiladas, flan, etc. are still used andmade by my aunts and uncles. In the later years of their lives, their grandchildren becameeverything for them. Their home became a place where their children and their grandchildrencould all come together for celebrations, meals, and basically any other occasion. That is why Iincluded the loteria cards, the doll, and the birdhouse; their home in Guadalajara was a place ofharmony, love, and enjoyment for their grandchildren. In addition, the birdhouse is alsodedicated to the remembrance of my grandparents pet birds that they loved so dearly. And lastly,the white butterflies are a reminder of their everlasting presence on earth as my grandparentswatch over all of us.
Los extrañamos mucho, mucho..