Christopher Puga
This was my first experience in creating an altar and I have to say it has been quite an experience. In the first place, I relied on information given from my brother regarding mygrandparents who are deceased. The most challenging part of this experience was that my motherherself could not provide me with much information regarding my grandparents as she came tothe United States at an early age, 6 years old, and her childhood memories are that of being inAmerica. From the little information I was given, I was able to put together papel picado that inmy perspective were not too religious and give an equal balance in terms of spirit and tradition.The tea candles are used as a symbol of light to never forget those who have passed away and asa means of honor. Ultimately my altar was simple just like the life that my grandparents livedand mostly due to the fact that I wasn’t able to get much information regarding what region theyfollowed and if they even had a religion. Those small pieces of information made a bigdifference in this project because I felt that I didn;t have the connection that others due to thetradition and to the understanding of it. Overall, this project grew my interest in the tradition andI am truly looking forward to experiencing the whole event at once.