So this altar is made in collaboration with my mother. Is to honor those that died this year from her side of the family. We also included her mother who passed away years ago but still an important matriarch figure and the folks who died this year are her kids, their spouses and descendants.
The final look of this altar was mostly finalized back at home with my mother and I going back and forth where to place the items we either bought or had at home and finishing designing/decorating some of the pieces which took several days as I was very indecisive which made my mom annoyed since I didn't really pre-plan what to do like she usually does but it still worked out so it’s fine.
On friday 10/29/21 around 4pm I got to the gallery to place all the items that my mom helped pack for me last night. I also added newer items that were in the gallery like a few more boxes to make the altar higher and to also place the display board. Another new item are the Marigold flowers which were actually real and fresh. I put a lot on the display and added more the next day since my mom said there should be more flowers when I showed her the pictures. So here are the final photos of the finished work: